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ID2ID Professional Development - Synopsis 1

Writer: Holly FiockHolly Fiock

ID2ID Program Logo

As part of the ID2ID experience I am taking part in this year, we (my buddy and myself) were asked to attend or participate in two professional development opportunities. We decided to write up a literature review on our topic of Audio Feedback. As such, we quickly realized we were having difficulty trying to find current research out in the field. We decided as a team that we wanted to reach out to our respective librarians to determine the best ways to collect research. We met with our own university's librarian and then met back up to discuss what we learned from our individual meetings. This directly aligned with our goal of writing a literature review as it gave us the best methods to collect data needed for our paper.

After meeting with my librarian, I was able to determine the best databases to use and which journals could provide the most relevant research to our topic. In addition, I learned how to effectively use keywords vs. subjects. One of the best items that came from the meeting with my librarian was that any article I downloaded as part of my University became "mine." I was able to share any of my articles with whomever I wanted. This was a nice surprise as my University had more resources than my buddy. Any journals or articles I found, could then be shared with my buddy. My buddy could also send over any titles she couldn't access to me. I could pull the reference and then share back with my buddy.

Our meetings allowed for each of us to grow individually and together as researchers. It also allowed us to access a wide variety of references to make sure our topic was well developed. Overall, I really enjoyed having two different perspectives of how to successfully access and search for resources for our project. While we may not have attended the same meeting or event so to speak, by attending two separate ones we were able to obtain and learn more information from two different specialists in the field. Because of this event, we are in a great place with our paper and are continuing to move forward with our literature review.


© 2024 by Holly Fiock Brown

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